Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Reflection 8



Evaluation is the process or group of processes that people perform in order to gather data and that will enable them to decide whether to accept, change, or eliminate something. Concerned with relative value and statements of worth. Order than that, it is determining whether the expected or the planned has occurred or is occuring in relation to the intended. What i understand about these evaluation is  something that i setup for children like the activity in class i guess whether it is good or not. Other than that, it is also similar on what i do when i provide the lesson plan. Such as the children or i have already achieve the goals or not. My lesson that i provide are effective or not for children or i have already achieve the goals or not. The evaluation also can be informal or formal assessment. Other that that, when we do the evaluation, it should be based on 5 question which is Intrinsic value, Instrumental value, Comparative value and Idealization value and decision value. 

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